
Menampilkan postingan dari 2010

it's really bad situation

bad bad bad bad tomorrow is one of the days that i don't want to pass, yes. bagi rapot ;_; This makes me more scared, nervous, and dizzy as well :s after 'dia' problems, now i must to go to school tommorow, and i never and ever to come tommorrow with mom, let alone *sigh* i'm really scared if my scores it feels 'nyesek' again, such as time of grade 8 :'( and the real bad part of tommorrow is I MUST TO GO but i never want to go! and of course, in my class, everyone like a children of einstein they're really really cleaver and brilliant, they're just not like me, who silly and stupid girl and of course the value of science, i will not enter the average, and the more i fear is getting a poor grade is also on the lessons that others, especially social studies, oh god what happened with me? since i'm at SBI school choice, i didn't get the good score ehm i mean 'not really' at least enter my average and i was very grateful and then my paren...


yaah gue gabisa ceritain sambungan dari post gue yg waktu itu, sekarang yaaah gue fokus dulu sama yang sekarang! ganyangaka waktu di 2010 cepet banget, dan bentar lagi udah 2011 gue ngerasa banyak hal yg gaadil tahun ini, nyesek, dan hal sebagainya contohnya yg sekarang gue alamin, mungkin salah gue juga kenapa gue harus sebegitu takutnya yaaah 'dia' ulang tahun tapi sampe sekarang gue belom ngucapin, yaah gue sempet ngucapin tapi diapus ;_; sekarang gue gatau harus ngucapin lagi atau nggak sebenernya hal2 kayak gini gapenting banget untuk dipikirin, diurusin, dibuat pusing :s yah tapi itu pemikiran orang yg hidupnya terlalu santai, tapi buat gue rasanya berat, susah, dan yang jelas takut! iya, takut lo bayangin 3kali iya 3kali gue sempet nyapa dan dia gabales, bahkan pernah sampe gue off dan nangis *gaguna banget gue* halo?! hidup masih panjang lo gabakal mati besok car. nah, semenjak itu gue gaberani dan takut makan ati buat nyapa dia lagi, mungkin gue yg keterlaluan karena m...

yesterday until now

yaaa yesterday i'm really happy because i spend my time with my best friends ^.^ we go to watch narnia!! tapii sayangnya ada 3 temen kita yang ga ikut nonton tapi yang satu sebenernya bisa, dia dateng tapi ga nonton (sama aja boong) -.- yep her almost makes me and my friends slightly dissapointed :( but..i'm tottally fun yesterday except.. i'am meet yep u know "someone" who i don't want to meet her, i'm saw her for a momment then i think she didn't see me abis itu kita nonton narnia dan ketemu anisa sebentar doang -.- filmnya bagus banget, gue nonton sambil cekikikan sama rani yaaah kita ketawa2 gajelas gara2 the lone island sama edmund yang gantengnya parah itu. abis itu kita pulang deh dan membeli surprised buat temen gue, terus gue beli bando aneh looh aha -__-- oiya ini desember i almost forget to tell you US about this month, yeah i think this month will be the same with the other month, nothing can change my life will be better right? -.- (bersyu...

yes. i'm tired for everything

yes. i'm kinda bored of this life. yup especially now, this month and this year, capek banget tiap hari rasanya gue cuma pusing sama urusan sekolah ditambah lagi belum tentu gue sekolah capek fisik doang kadang2 ada juga some people yup that make me mad sometimes~ udah capek fisik ditambah capek hati juga kaan, belom lagi jum'at kemaren gue sama beberapa temen gue dimarahin guru ganyante, guru yang bisanya nyari2 kesalahan muridnya dan anehnya dia "baik" (dalem tanda kutip) sama murid cowok?! aneh ya? emang. terus jum'at minggu depannya ternyata dia ngajar gitudeh di ruangan gue. gue telat masuk lagi kan, terus nanya2 gitu kayak buat gue gondok ish. yaudah terus nyuruh2 gue jawab pertanyaan geje lah. yup i really really not in the mood. esp minggu ini bahkan gue harus sekolah pas sabtu yah oke gue coba buat positive thinking, tapi sekarang susah banget woy buat itu,tiap hari rasanya capek, pusing pulang2 rasanya ngeliat tempat tidur kayak surgaaa banget, jum'a...


yang ga gue pengen soal twitter gue: 1.takut dibilang gila followers 2.takut tweets gue nyampah semua dia tl 3.unfollow berlebihan oke ini gapenting tapi tiba2 merayap di otak gue-_- and i almost forget to tell you about MANUSIA TEMPE YANG NGESOK JABLEEE itu ngatain bias tersayang gue minggu ini, panas kuping gue denger dia ngatain gitu, dasar tempe urusin aja badan lo yang ga pernah gemuk itu *astagfirullah mian mian kebawa emosi*


okay initially i like sungmin for Co-Ed but.. because of my friend like him first so i'll try to find another member of Co-Ed and i found ONE FOR A SPECIAL GUY I LIKE HIM EHM HE'S SIMILAR LIKE GIKWANG *glance* okay this some photo from kwang haeng ✪ Akdong Kwanghaeng (Rascal Kwanghaeng) Rascal/Playful Real Name: Lee Kwanghaeng DOB: January 20, 1990 Height: 186cm Weight: 70kg Education: Baekseok Arts University (Leave of Absence) Additional Info: Appeared in ‘Coffee House’ Episode 14 and 15 okay he's handsome too, right? ~

it's nice for a week

yehaaa minggu ini nyenengin (lumayanlah ya) oke gue bakal ceritain dari hari senin deh, what happened with mon(key) day? ehm awalnya pagi butek busuk hari senin nyelimutin diri gue dan semua pikiran2 gaenak bakal apa aja yang terjadi buat hari ini dan seterusnya (lebay) pemikiran: 1. soal uang pensi yg ga kelar2 2. ulangan2 yang dateng ga berenti dan ga nyelow dari minggu kemaren (juga soal nilai) 3. ehm masih soal ONEW-SEUNGYEON YEAH I HATE IT FOR A MOMMENT 4. nilai2 TO yang hell-aw banget dan gue udah tau semua sekarang (3.00, 5.2, 6.0, 7.6) persis banget sama nobita gue TTT-TTT dan lain lain lain lainnya lagi!!!!!!!!!!!11 pagi cerah mendung2 butek itupun berjalan rada sedikit bersemangat ._. *skip* langsung to the point, pulang sekolah ada p* kan tuh okay gue.telat.masuk.kelas.lagi cuih (cewek apaan gue?1?!) gue pun masuk kelas terburu-buru terengah-engah karena sambil lari2, ga ditanggepin gitu sama gurunya cuma diliatin doang! :s ish (muter mata) oke gue langsung ambil modul nya k...

cry = brilliant

ehm okay beberapa hari ini yah semingguan ini banyak banget hal yang *harus* gue pikirin at least kedepannya.. gue bingung banget bener2 bingung sekarang, jelas gue pengen banget masuk sma negri tapi pas nyokap ngomong kalo ternyata dari swasta ke negri itu bisa dibilang 'beda' dan gue butuh penyeseuaian nantinya, oke mungkin gue bakal nanggung itu semua yang penting seenggaknya gue udah ga disitu. terus masalah 'nilai' post gue gabakalan jauh2 dari 'nilai' -_- yeah i know it was really really i need it for senior high school later ;_; and then buat perpisahan UMROH okay, for real i was really really want it, but why must be with all of 9 grade students?huh? it much be better if i goes to umroh with my family kaan? terus nya lagi buat besok so i didn't want to watching pensi in my school buat nontonnya aja gue gabegitu minat, but tomorrow i must to buy a ticket, t-shirt for pensi, and merchandise.. huh-.- what else after this? it's ENOUGH and tomorrow i ...

pertanyaan2 dalem otak gue tadi

apasih rasanya jadian? gue..pernah liat dompet'NYA DIA' sekali dan *wow spechless* isinya.. *orang kaya sih ya duit tinggal metik* (no comment) at least itu pernah dia tunjukin sekali pas gue mau dikasih goceng then apa aja sih yang dilakuin orang2 pacaran? *polos* tapi pengen tau aja kapan gue ngalamin 'itu' ya suka sama orang dan dia juga suka stupid #forevereveralone

a little crazy

come just a little closer take all of my heart just a little more as much as you want from the first time i saw you, my heart started beating madly i really think that you are on a different level with other boys 'halo' it's my first word even if you don't like me i said it like an easy man giving away a dog i've been watching you for several day but at this rate i'll be alone and sick something is cought in my heart and it feels like i'm sick my heart keeps beating fast, i'm afraid i don't know if i die do you know my burning heart? you're my only escape, no more boys in the club no need for another words just only this word Y O U don't absolutely think as you please but compare and consider playing hard to get is not my taste in my life as it is, stop coming to me now throw rocks at my heart my shaking heart my soul is crazy, falling for you i can't come to my senses come to me show yourself to me guess this is a lyrics of english trans...

OH!NO part 2

heyyo oh noo hari ini idul adha, ehm happy idul adha semuaa tapi tadi pagi gue kesiangan mungkin mandinya kelamaan jadi gue..ehm terpaksa shalat satu shaf sama sapi ;_; oh my.. mana dia pipis terus bab oh no masa kita shalat sebelahnnya pas kotoran kan ga lucu, mesjid deket rumah gue nih astgf. itu cukup nyebelin pagi2 udah dibikin bete, terus yaa abis shalat di mesjid gue gamau dan ga akan mau dipaksa ngeliat para sapi dan kambing itu diptong jadi gue putusin buat ol terus bosen, akhirnya nonton terus bosen akhirnya gue tidur sampe sore, bangun2 gue liat ada bbf diulang lagi padahal gue pengen nonton becoming a billionare gatau udah tamat atau apa tapi udah ga diputer lagi gitu, cukup bete. terus sekarang ehm tadi deng gue baru aja belajar buat test ipa khusus buat anak2 cerdas di kelas gue, belajar lah gue, gue gamau malu2in kelas gue yang isinya anak2 cerdas itu. dan TERNYATA BESOK ADA ULANGAN FISIKA JUGA, gue udah berulang-ulang nanya besok ada ulangan atau nggak sama temen gue si ...


hello ada suatu hal lagi yang bikin SHOCK you know? on thursday kelas gue terpilih jadi kelas yang bakal diuji coba soal IPA gatau buat apa, tau alasannya apa? karena kelas gue banyak yang unggul IPAnya how bad is that?huh?!?! taulaah dari sd gue emang udah gabakat IPA bahkan dari tes IQ gue juga udah dikasih tau kalo gue emang udah darisananya ga jodoh sama IPA parahnya lagi tadi dibagiin nilai ulangan biologi gue dapet.. 6 ._. argh minta digorok nih udah belajar susah2 juga, tapi alhamdulillah wasyukurillah math gue ga remed n_n okay now i wanna talk about ehm kpopers, now so many kpopers in indonesia i feel uncomfortable :/ really is better if kpopers in indonesia still a little bit or like before kpopers not seen by many people :/ ehm gue lebih tertarik sama sesuatu yang gabanyak orang sukain, sekarang?kpopers itu dimana-mana TOO MUCH ~ tapi gue gabisa berenti juga jadi fangirl ehm apalagi fandom gue piiip banyak banget yang suka gue pengen punya fandom lain yang jarang2 kayak prim...

it's nice friday

ehm first i was very thankful to god, because at least it's good enough for me today~ because first i get ehm a good score in indonesian language TO oke why can i say GOOD? because the score average in my class is 7,25 and then i got 7,6 it's good as well~ though actually i'm still 'disappointed' because the value of mathematics TO~ oke it's just past so i'll try to forget it. and then something happen again to me this incident as it is set this occurs when my friend B invite me to buy a snack in the cafeteria at school, and then when we down stairs ehm there are some popular student at my school get in the way and we just walk away~ after my friend buy some snack i'm just pick a lollipop candy~ and then after that we went to the 2nd floor to meet my other friends, previously i didn't want to follow my friend when she talk to me she want to past the 2nd floor stairs but finally i follow her too because in 1st floor there is a slippery floor, oke me a...

this fool!

My friends keep telling me that they think you like me, and I was thinking somewhat the same thing. But what if it wasn't true... What if I was the only one stupid for thinking that? With those thoughts in mind I wasn't sure what to do. (Everytime I see you) I try so hard to to read your mind (When I keep lookin at you) I get different signals... I really just don't know... If you like me then just confront me. Why are you making it so hard on my part? If you like me then act brave. I'm here waiting, so why can't you come? You fool... still when are you going to just look over at me like that? Look at my eyes! They'e telling you to come forward. While you're still stalling, if someone else brings up their courage and takes me, then how regretful do you want to be? (Everytime I see you) I try so hard to show you what I feel (When I keep looking at you) How come you don't know how I feel? Don't you have any clue? If you like me then just confront me. W...

it hurts - 2NE1

ehm i dunnotknow song looks so random :s just like me check this out [CL] Naega jun sinbareul singo keunyeowa gireul geolgo Amureohji anhge keunyeowa kiss hago Naega jun hyangsu ppurigo keunyeoreul pume ango Nawa haetdeon keu yaksuk ddo dasi hagetjyo [Minzy] Urin imi neujeotnabwayo Uri sarang kketnan geongayo Amu marirado jom naege haejwoyo oh oh oh Uri jeongmal saranghaetjanha Dwi dolrilsun eoptneun geongayo [Dara] Oneul bam namani apayo [Bom] Pyeonhaetni ne mamsoge Ije nan deo isang eoptneun geoni Nan neol neol saenggakhamyeon Neomu appa appa appa [Minzy] Amugeotdo anirandeut Nae neunmul barabogo Taeyeonhage mareul ddo ieogago [CL] Aniran mal mothagetdago Keu eoddeon miryeondo huhoedo jeonyeo eoptdago Janinhage marhaetjyo [Bom] Urin imi neujeun geogayo Uri sarang kkeutnan geongayo Geojitmarirado jom anirago haejwoyo Ijen deo jarhal su itneunde Dasi mannal suneun eoptjiman [Dara] Oneul bam namani apayo [CL] Pyeonhaetni ne mamsoge Ije nan deo isang eoptneun geoni Nan neol neol ...


heyyo all *weak voice* you know? i was sick today because aaaggh..i won't remember it but it must be better if i tell you *wtf who see* okay let's directly to it's point, that my math try out get... 3,00 can you imagine? it's like a lion tear my heart lol but the bad thing is.. my score is the lowest score at my class maybe satu angaktan juga dan taukah kalian kelas gue isinya anak2 unggulan semua *sigh* -..- first when i hear the teacher read a LOUDLY my ordinal number everybody repeatedly who is the number 01116 and it was me?ME? T.T why can i become like this?OH! this happen again!!! and after that for a momment i'll cry *i can't hold again* i'll cry... and some of my friends just 'sabar ya' to me but it's ENOUGH for me than do nothing and don't know what to say and then some of my friends tell me i'm not stupid girl at all ahh thank you~ *biar orangnya suka nyontek gue* but he give me a attantion~ and then my other friend talk to me l...


here's i wanna show some member of ft island in the form chibi! they're looks soo cute check this out guys! first hongki *_* and then.. jonghoon! wow and the last is jaejin! ooh i feel so sorry i can't found another member photo~ looks better if they're chibi photo become a photocard aaaaw okee that's all love ya and seeya!

my future boys!

okay these are my top boys or i call him.. my dream boys alah:/ this is it first my chicken oppa cool, cute and really kind of boy :) and then second.. is.. jungmo of TRAX trully i don't really know him but he looks charismatics *_* the third is.. a leader too like onew from ft island he is lee hongki! wow i was spechless! since he play in the korean drama entitled 'you're beautiful' i started to like him..really fun of boy *_* that's all now is 02.00pm i must to go to bed so bye blogger see ya next ya love ya jinki's girlfriends


heyyo again! tadi gue baru pulang dari gandaria city makasih banget buat adek gue yang udah maksa2 nyokap gue biar kesana haha-_- tanpa ada kesengajaan gue ketemu lagi sama toko musik sangaji pas gue beli SHINee world (made in china) *salah pilih* sama lucifer (made in gatau, bukan versi A bukan versi B juga) *salah beli* tapi oke itukan udah berlalu biar pake duit ampau lebaran T.T tapi gue tetep bersyukur karena harganya sama! elaah~ nah udah kan karena dua album itu gue beli di sangaji yang di sency, kali ini gue ketemunya yg di gandaria, awal2 liat haah sama aja bentuk cd~ taunya pas gue nengok ke bagian bawah 'wah, itukan romeo! yg asli!' tapi gue mikir lg, kalo gue beli temen gue udah punya ngapain lagi beli~ terus gue liat2 lg kan ada dvd original banyak banget, ada super show 1,2,3 terus ada dream concert, terus ada album ft.island yg udah lama gitu yg beautiful journey belum ada tadinya niatnya mau beli itu album ft.island satu tapi tiba2 gue liat dari ujung2 banget ad...

tapi takut

intinya aja ya langsung si cowok alay ini ngebuat gue bingung :/ aaah jujur saja gue masih suka sama dia yaah ga muna2 banget ya a little bit deh pengen sih nyapa dia lg tapi takut dikacangin atau ganggu dia dan mengingat gue udah terlalu banyak FRONTAL depan dia dan SALTING dan sekarang AIB yang bikin gue makin gaenak sama dia sama gue nya juga, gue jadi makin minder kalo mau nyapa yoyoyo tp gue gabakal terlalu banyak mikirin itusih yah ada batesnya laah yang penting sekarang buat gue DAPET SMA NEGRI YANG GUE MAU dan gue gamau sma di sana lg -_- sorisori tapi gue udah bosen disana haah maaf yaague lg sangat sangat random gatau mau ngapain malem jum'at begini~ sepi selalu ngusik gue random gara2 pms butuh banget jayusan2nya onew for real! sekarang udah jam 22.00 lewat ga ngantuk tapi gue mesti istirahat banyak2 wakaka oke that's all see ya love ya signature: jinki's girlfriends

kenapa IPA gue selalu jelek?

sebenernya gue cuma mau nanya, gue bingung sendiri apasih yang buat nilai IPA gue selalu aja jelek? seenggaknya gue udah ada usaha! pas gue buka lagi rapot2 gue pas sd disitu tertulis JELAS banget di rapot KELULUSAN gue malah! guess! berapa nilai IPA gue? asal tau aja gue cuma dapet angka mati 5,75! *frontal* dan sampe gue smp kelas 7-9(semester 1) nilai IPA gue cuma dapet angka mati 5 5 5 5 5 SEMUA?!?!? entah gue yang kebegoan, kurang berusaha apalagi coba? gue udah ngorbanin ga belajar pelajaran2 yang gue bisa cuma supaya gue bisa dapet nilai IPA diatas 5 di rapot hooh jelas. disini. mungkin. gue. yang. kelewatan. bego. dan .nyerah .duluan. kalo. liat. teori2 IPA itu.


ehm oke gue bakal cerita pake b.indonesia aja deh hehe -_- rasanya lucu ya inget2 hidup gue itu penuh dengan kejayusan, kesepian, macem2 dai, bukan kesepian karena 'forever alone' atau mungkin yang lainnya mungkin 45% diantaranya itu ~ *gak munafik ya* jelas siapa yg mau 3 tahun smp hidup gitu2 aja 'life is never flat' antara percaya atau nggak sih gue sama kata2 itu~ oke ceritanya sekarang gue adalah kpop♥ers dan perlu diinget ini bukan semata-mata pelarian gue karena hidup gue yg flat2 aja HAHA tapi ngeliat mereka ONEW, KIKWANG, YONGHWA, TAECYEON, MIR dan macam2~ rasanya hidup gue itu hidup yah atau apalah itu~ setelah gue peratiin ga semua orang yg gue pikir 'ih enak banget sih dia, gue iri deh sama dia' ternyata jauh lebih kesepian daripada gue bahkan kayaknya cobaan nya berat banget oke disitu gue berusaha ga kufur nikmat~ dia yang mungkin emang 'bisa' dapetin apapun yang dia mau ternyata hidupnya itu lebih sepi dari gue~ kasian sebenernya gue sama ...


heyyo all tonight i want to share my video when i'm and my friend go to watching KIFF (korean indonesia friendship festival) and guess what?! there are shinee here! check this out! i can't see them directly and i'm so sorry because this video really annoyed cause so many shawol here so shinee voice and scream of shawol really really noisy :O me too -_- oh yeah in this video onew said 'i love youuuu' but i don't really hear it because so noisy there... huh~ that's all see ya! ~.~

a guy

i like this guy ehm... although i'm just knew him... he is incorporated in a group so call the group is..... super junior m he is......... someone who have a cute face (i think) how about you? his name is........ henry lau of super junior m! LOL ~.~

look at the sunset - dbsk :~(

Romanized: jonyok nouri jigo hana dul kyojinun bulbichul taraso noege gago iso chagaun barame umchurin ne okaega naeryo antgi jone naega gamsajulke nal bwa love you babogatun gudae gu modun goshi naegen da sojunghangol *gudae wiro toorun taeyangmankum nuni bushin i gasumuro gidaryojun shiganmankum nol naega jikyojulke gidohan modun kumi ganjolhan nae hyanggiro nama uril hyanghae iso More than the air I breathe More than the air I breathe balgaol achime hamke usul su innun naui baraemduri irwo jil su itdorok naega gidarilke ne son nochi anhulke nunmul punira haedo naega dakajulke kuchi boiji anhado amuri homhan giriljirado yaksokhalke my my my my please be mine *Repeat saranghandago ijen gudae punirago jo hanul kute sorichyo jonhago shipo love you tojildutan gasumi gu daerul burugo iso apun shiryoni uril chajawado gu apume mok meowado da orumanjyo jul su innun naega do saranghalke tumyonghan usumkochi banjjaginun jo byol dulchorom arumdapge nol nomanul bichwojulke gudae wi...

eh jongkey -__-


i'm getting jealous with this shawol -,-

huaaaa 언제 나도 아빠처럼 될 것인가? - __ -'

oh my goddess - TRAX

i like this song... really... emosional 오! 나의 여신님 (Oh! My Goddess) So one hadeon, two my girl, three nuni bushin Lorelei, oh Hey lady, four my love, five obun man manna jullae jigyeo wotdeon ibyeol sangcheo nunmul modu stop neo wonhan damyeon eodi deunji I will go Uh! neol barae, neol wonhae, na wanna wanna wonhae neol nuni nuni neoman bara boge haneun girl nae mami mami neoreul gadeuk chaewo beorin geol bada jwo nae mam, aetage neol waiting, baby nuni nuni neoman bara bogo itneun boy nae mami mami geunyeo maeum bbaeseo beorin boy Oh jebal nan deo, ji chineun geon no more baby oh naye yeoshin I keep waiting, I keep calling, wae mari mari eobtneun geolkka modeun geol da jun daedo bujokhan girl gidari deon neoye jeonhwa daedab modu stop nal dugeun dugeun aetae udeun shimjang majeo, stop shigyedo, shigando, neol joma joma gidaryeo nuni nuni neoman bara boge haneun girl nae mami mami neoreul gadeuk chaewo beorin geol bada jwo nae mam, aetage neol waiting, baby nuni nuni neoman...


for the first time i was glad because i got the KIFF ticket so.. thank you so much for 'someone' which i do'nt know her before so call her 'stranger' but maybe 'bukan rejeki' after me and my friends get the ticket to see them but we can't see them directly :' that don't meet with them also, so now i'm just do positive thinking but.. something happened to our kunci and bling bling : syine it's make me jealous for serious but... now i was sincere because at least me and my friend are in the same place with syine although they performs at tennis indoor senayan and me? outdoor tennis senayan huaaaah it's make me a little bit annoyed oke that's all thanks for coming and see ya

nagging - iu feat seulong 2am

i like this song because the lyrics looks so cute :3 Hangul: 늦게 다니지좀 마, 술은 멀리좀 해봐 열살짜리 애처럼 말을 안 듣니 정말 웃음만 나와 누가 누굴보고 아이라 하는지 정말 웃음만 나와 싫은 얘기하게 되는 내 맘을 몰라 좋은 얘기만 나누고 싶은 내 맘을 몰라 그 만할까? (그만하자) 하나부터 열까지 다 널 위한 소리 내 말 듣지 않는 너에게는 뻔한 잔소리 그만하자 그만하자 사랑하기만해도 시간 없는데 머리 아닌 가슴으로 하는 이야기 네가 싫다 해도 안 할 수가 없는 이야기 그만하자 그만하자 너의 잔소리만 들려 밥은 제때 먹는지, 여잔 멀리 하는지 온 종일을 네 옆에 있고 싶은데 내가 그 맘인 거야 주머니 속에 널 넣고 다니면 정말 행복할 텐데 둘이 아니면 안 되는 우리 이야기 누가 듣는다면 놀려대고 웃을 이야기 그만할까? (그만하자) 하나부터 열까지 다 널 위한 소리 내 말 듣지 않는 너에게는 뻔한 잔소리 그만하자 그만하자 사랑하기만해도 시간 없는데 머 리 아닌 가슴으로 하는 이야기 네가 싫다 해도 안 할 수가 없는 이야기 그만하자 그만하자 나의 잔소리가 들려 눈 에 힘을 주고 겁을 줘봐도 내겐 그저 귀여운 얼굴 이럴래 자꾸 (자꾸 너) 더는 못 참고 (참고 너) 정말 화낼지 몰라 (넌 몰라) 사랑하다 말 거라면 안 할 이야기 누구보다 너를 생각하는 마음의 소리 화가 나도 소리 쳐도 너의 잔소리마저 난 달콤한데 사랑해야 할 수 있는 그런 이야기 내 말 듣지 않는 너에게는 뻔한 잔소리 그만하자 그만하자 이런 내 맘을 믿어줘 Romanization: neutge danijijom ma sureun meollijom haebwa yeolsaljjari aecheoreom mareul andeutni jeongmal useumman nawa nuga nugulbogo aira haneunji jeongmal useumman nawa sirheun yaegi hage d...

music video

aw here jong bling bling and taemin magnae looks so cool O_O

teaser photo

and this is SHINee teaser photo hoho lengkap semua member

new album shinee lucifer!!

this is my first post at blogger, my old blogger is tottaly freak and annoying haha :'/ this time, i wanna talk to you about SHINee and my biased onew he looks soooo annoying here T.T cause his hair style like "mas2" for sure -_- ini second album mereka dan yg gak banyak berubah cuma jong hyun check it out: key---> i'm no comment :? LOL haha taemin rambutnya lurusan loh -_- that's all hmm i like jonghyun and taemin style huhu #hbu ?