it's really bad situation

bad bad bad bad
tomorrow is one of the days that i don't want to pass, yes. bagi rapot ;_; This makes me more scared, nervous, and dizzy as well :s
after 'dia' problems, now i must to go to school tommorow, and i never and ever to come tommorrow with mom, let alone *sigh*
i'm really scared if my scores it feels 'nyesek' again, such as time of grade 8 :'(
and the real bad part of tommorrow is I MUST TO GO but i never want to go! and of course, in my class, everyone like a children of einstein they're really really cleaver and brilliant, they're just not like me, who silly and stupid girl

and of course the value of science, i will not enter the average, and the more i fear is getting a poor grade is also on the lessons that others, especially social studies, oh god what happened with me? since i'm at SBI school choice, i didn't get the good score ehm i mean 'not really'

at least enter my average and i was very grateful

and then my parents now, yes. my parents i was worried they were more disappointed, cause i feel the bad feeling about it :(

so, what should i do??

I always learn every time a test, I was doing even until midnight, did I not try? but how else do it? maybe I did not fit there

possible if only from the beginning I was not in class billingual

I probably will not be as difficult as this

I was indeed wrong, maybe now I'm resigned to it, because what will happen tomorrow

maybe I still do not come for some reason, but now I will still pray the best
if that result is not good, it's probably because I was not trying, and I also irregular life

yah that's me

I'm a slacker


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