
heyyo all *weak voice*
you know? i was sick today because aaaggh..i won't remember it
but it must be better if i tell you *wtf who see* okay let's directly to it's point, that my math try out get...
can you imagine? it's like a lion tear my heart lol but the bad thing is..
my score is the lowest score at my class maybe satu angaktan juga dan taukah kalian kelas gue isinya anak2 unggulan semua *sigh* -..-
first when i hear the teacher read a LOUDLY my ordinal number everybody repeatedly who is the number 01116 and it was me?ME? T.T
why can i become like this?OH! this happen again!!! and after that for a momment i'll cry *i can't hold again*
i'll cry... and some of my friends just 'sabar ya' to me but it's ENOUGH for me than do nothing and don't know what to say and then some of my friends tell me i'm not stupid girl at all ahh thank you~ *biar orangnya suka nyontek gue* but he give me a attantion~ and then my other friend talk to me like this 'menurut gue itukan baru TO pertama mungkin masih syok2 nanti di TO2 yang lainnya lo harus bagus2 :)' she is ANISA kata2nya menyentuh banget ~ thank you gaaaaaaalsss ahh~
okay it's enough for my PL *pathethic life* and then you know what? i started to think about m0V3 On yuup i'll start to like r*** but ehm my heart just say 'uuuh he's cool and cute~ really' and in fact it turns out he was the most handsome guy wow o_o yesterday he talk to me~ ehm just a short conversation~ and then suddenly he sit in front of me i was 'huh?wow o_o' my cheek blushing hehe and then we do eyes contact he always turn back and look at my paper and me~ hehe and suddenly *again* he put his arms in my table ehm really really deep some of my friends direct look at me ~ my friend name piiiip just smile :) hehe~
but in fact i'm just like him but my heart just for piiiip and onew and korean ahahahak
that's all
heem i'm still sad about that value~
huh seenggaknya jangan yang paling rendahlah
okay it's almost 01:00 pm
i must to go bed and pray to allah semoga dikasih jalan supaya gue bisa jadi anak yang pintar amin u.u

oke night and see ya *semoga yang baca hari rabu lo ga kayak gue deh*


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Ruang Kepastian


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