it's nice friday

ehm first i was very thankful to god, because at least it's good enough for me today~
because first i get ehm a good score in indonesian language TO oke why can i say GOOD? because the score average in my class is 7,25 and then i got 7,6 it's good as well~
though actually i'm still 'disappointed' because the value of mathematics TO~ oke it's just past so i'll try to forget it.

and then something happen again to me

this incident as it is set
this occurs when my friend B invite me to buy a snack in the cafeteria at school, and then when we down stairs ehm there are some popular student at my school get in the way and we just walk away~
after my friend buy some snack i'm just pick a lollipop candy~
and then after that we went to the 2nd floor to meet my other friends, previously i didn't want to follow my friend when she talk to me she want to past the 2nd floor stairs but finally i follow her too because in 1st floor there is a slippery floor, oke me and my friend B finally past the stairs to the 2nd floor
when i reached the front door of the 2nd floor i meet HIM and we almost collision~ and when it's me and my friend were talking about him right. he just straight down when he see my face 'confused' because of him and then he just walk away you know what? my heart is like HUH MARATHON because i was SHOCK ~
and automatically my head playing BREATH by B2ST~

my friend B just say this 'AHAHAHA SIAPA TUH CAR YANG DI DEPAN PINTU?' ~-.- ehm i know him as always~ oke i just can stop an EMBARRASING act in front of him

oke that's all
it's just making me confused
you know lah semenjak kelas 9 gue jarang banget ketemu dia apalagi ngomong sama dia
jadi rasanya sekali ketemu 'aneh'

and then pas istirahat jam pertama si A sebut aja itu, tiba2 duduk dimeja belakang gue dan nyolek gue, tau dia bilang apa? 'hai' gitu terus gue *confused face* bilang 'e eh ehm apaan sih' temen2 gue 'rada' histeris si AN sama BB dan sarah ketinggalan dan akhirnya gue ceritain-_-

seandainya itu bukan dia tapi orang lain yg gue suka mungkin gue bakal seneng nerimanya

it was happen to me
i can't stop it


jinki's girlfriends


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