Is everything worth the wait?

When i tried to reach the things that i wanted in life it  always took a long time. But at the end its somehow end up sastisfied. Well its just "a thing" not a whole things in life. I believe that work hard could make a big energy that will build up and make everything that you wish for happen, then suddenly i think that is the circle of life. If you work hard a fortune will come to you.

Did you think that time will worth the wait? Just like the stuffs you want sooooo bad but you spend your money on it after you save your money. But not in all the things in life i belive will worth the wait or i just feel that is a kind of fortune like maybe its a destiny from god. Just like love. Or carrer. Okay lets talk about a lucky love life.

I heard so many stroies about true love and a lucky love seems to be so hard to get in it. Like i mean youve got your love too soon and you getting married with the one who u dated the last. But how if the case is you need a long time to see whos coming but the last youve wait for him so long the last u expected turns to be something that u never imagine before. Okay i make this quick. You wait for someones coming into ur life with those broken hearted or u just wait for someone match on you to come for sooooo long but the result is youve got ur true love your perfect mate FOR ALL THIS TIME.

And i thought is that true? A real mate will come to you as long as you wait for him to come into your life. But is it  tired? Or not everyone (like me) get in so lucky to finally date a perfect guy (or i just have a very high standard about men). But if its true to wait for them it doesnt matter, but if its not? Okay maybe i talk too much confusing things at this post, but the point i want to talk to is........

Turns into indonesia (sok billingual bgt gue)
siapakah yg selanjutnya akan jadi pasanagan gue.... Mungkin ini terdengar klise karena selama ini gue merasa fine2 aja single. Well i can do anything freely or the way i want my life goes on. Tapi.... It seems to be really hard to look in the future whos the next guy i want to date with. Karena selama ini date yg pernah gue coba gapernah berhasil bener2 bikin gue impress, trs gue jd mikir "mugkin jodoh terbaik gue nanti akan datang pd waktu yg cukup lama" trs yaaa gue berfikir aja kaya penantian yg lama akan menghasilkan jodoh yg berkualitas. Karena sempet ada bbrp case yg kaya gitu. Tp apa kelamaan nunggu itu baik, lah iya kalo akhirnya nemu jodoh yg berkualitas tp kalo ngga... Malah kesannya jd akhirnya yaudahlahh sm siapa aja yg penting nikah, itu jg yg beresiko untuk terus2an nunggu org yg berkualitas dtng.

Gue sama sekali ga munafik disini, bahwa first impression gue terhadap seseorang adalah dari fisiknya, baru kepribadiannya. Gue jg gamau cepet gampang menilai org itu gmn sebelum gue kenal. Tp kadang dr tampang udh keliatan kepribadiannya jd mau gmn lagi..... Sebenernya gue tkttttttt bgt kalo nanti2 semakin gue menumpuk rasa bodo amat buat punya even gebetan (yg tentunya punya perasaan yg sm juga) trs nantinya gue akan lama menemukan jodoh atau membuka hati gue buat org lain. Tp menunggu yg menurut gue cocok untuk gue sampe skrng belum ada atau gue yg terlalu pilih2 atau ternyata sekali lagi gue punya standard yg tinggi soal cowok meanwhile hampir semua temen2 gue mulai meninggalkan gue dgn status in a relationship mereka. Im happy for them but im scare too. Dan gue adalah tipe cewek yg sebenernya gampang bgt ilfeel sm cowok, seriusan dehhh i've expect a lot for my next guy exactly! Itu yg mungkin menjadi masalah gue sampe saat ini. Persepsi gue ttg cowok yg akan mendampingi gue nanti setidak nya bukan cuma bisa impress gue tp bisa impress temen2 gue ataupun org lain. Idk its kinda OF being so compared with my ex boyfriend but. This is the way i feel about a guy who will date me. At least or not at least but can impress everyone and they will say "gilaaaaa cocok cakep bgt" HAHA. Is that so ridiculous? Bolehkan kalo gue punya bayangan setidaknya cukup bayangan kaya gt? Dan ohiya terutama bgt bs impress keluarga gue, esp bokap. Keluarga gue adalah tipe yg gampang ngejudge org jd kalo gue punya pasangan yg menurut mereka kurang udh pasti mereka bakal judge abis2an dan gue gabisa dengernya bukan gabisa cm ga siap-_- dan oleh karena itu gue hrs punya pasangan yg bisa bikin keluarga gue gaakan ngejudge dia atau yaaa mengingat no one is perfect bs memperkecil kemungkinan mereka bakal ngejudge yg ngga2 soal cowo gue.

Gue gatau harus apa dan gimana harus cari yg gimana kalo begitu caranya i have bener2 no idea
right now. Tp kalo emg gue ttp harus nunggu gue ttp yakin akan ada yg datang yg jauh lebih baik dan gaakan pernah ninggalin gue (amin)


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