My june 2nd

Gues what? Today is someones birthday?? Yes. Its me -_- i dont know which one a good intro for this post. But i know whats the point of my post i want to share with who dare to read this. I realized that i went through a LOT of birthday this past year especially. And idk its me or everyone who think feel the same about what im gonna say, but as long as i went through my born day. Everyone starts to forget about my actually birthday date and its getting bored each year. Well i know im officially 20th and its an "old" years yet to feel so childish thinking that eveyone forget my birthday.

Well i didnt expect anything except my best friend remember my birthday. And i knew now its sucks enough to think that ur best friend who did through some years of ur birthday and suddenly forget your birthday now :( and one thing. this years is sooo hard for my birthday bcs i have to past my class today, sleepless night bcs i have to do my personal tasks and then going to take attention for my LPJ for soooooooo long time ago. And everyone who doesnt know about my birthday gave me a hard time to do group tasks and stuff like that :( i hate it.

And today feels like an ordinary day like theres no something special (childish thinking mode : on) for me. I dont know where are my friends????

And then i remember something. I didint post anything to make everyone notice my birthday because "gue sengaja" pgn liat siapa yg perduli. Well at least some of my friends still remember and i still appreciate it. udh ga seharusnya lagi gue mikirin hal se childish ini, tp ntah kenapa gue kecewa aja, kecewa aja sm temen2 yg ga tepat waktu ngucapin bahkan lupa. Mungkin di hari lain ada aja yg kasih kado dll. Tp gue gabener2 mendapatkan "sesuatu" pas di hari ultah gue, dan....... Gue sedih aja sih ga sedih bgt-_-

Then now i just hope for my birthday today, and still pray to god for my better life ahead, have a really good years, and good friends and good time. And eveything that goods for me.

Happy birthday

To me


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