The feeling that never goes away (?)
Well the final exam is FINALLY over and i didnt expect so much except me pass all of the subject honestly i didnt too satisfied with my work....... So far. Bcs idk i feel like when im in a class and then the lecture came i show up that i listen to what they said so me with my confident really sure that i didntt have to make such effort over and over again to finally learn all of the subject to meet the final exam. you know what? its REALLY TIRING really, like i have to study so many subject and i have a not so long term capacity to remember all of the subject all of the stuffs bcs theres so much things on my mind too. And i know my capabilities so im not really take effort in final exam and idk its only my reason bcs im so lazy or thats the real reason why i didnt make myself study hard. idk really im tired with accounting and finance and stuff like that, since im in college all of the subject were talking about money meanwhile i dont have money and i realize i count "money gh...