A daily post stuffs.

hi. I'm back again, and its gonna be so late at  night, my minds overthink at night and im not so that sleepy yet. So here i am again at night, that its actually morning at 12:24 AM jadi yaa udah berganti hari nih kawan-kawan (siapapun yg baca). Im gonna share abt my college life. Again. Anyway i feel like ive never been this busy of  all my life, college life for me its another part of ur life to becoming mature enough for u to face the future (wtf its my words, pls dont mind) -_-
Its just like im tiredddd but i cant regret anything bcs this is what i've choosen. I have to face anything and become so responsibility on it, everthing that i took. Just like im in college so i have to study, im in organization i have to active, im becoming an admin with not-so-cheap-but-enough-fee so i have to work, im in choir so i have to sing (but lately im not joinin them since holiday its over and the time of practicing was too close with my class and too many reason for it, and im so sorry i couldnt make myself dillegently practicing) :( but i really love to practice.

I like to know about new stuffs, such like singing. Anyway i found out a lot of things in music since i was in PSM (paduan suara mahasiswa) my college, its such a pride, a bliss and Honor to know all of the singers especially our coach (if u see him and hear his voice you just like hear a choir in one person, if u know what i mean, he has that louder voice and beautiful voice as well, fyi he is one of the best tenor in asia 😱) they're really awesome dan disitu gue merasa kecil bgtttt, seperti gue gatau apa2 soal musik dan ada mereka semua didepan gue and i just like WoW music its good for goddamn people like them.

And thats the hardest part, ga semua singers bisa bertahan, dan untuk gue, gue gabisa bertahan karena pertama gue udh terlalu lelah ternyata dengan kuliah dan organisasi dalam masa kepengurusan gue ini begitupun dengan jam kuliah yang hampir semuanya sampai sore maupun malem, dan sekalinya gaikut latihan gue akan cukup ketinggalan banyak and its pretty embarassing enough for me to ask a friend or senior about many new songs, tapi gaakan nutup kemungkinan buat gue ikut job jika ada kesempatan lagi buat ikut. I tell you about "a job" that i mean. Many of people outhere inviting our choir to attend some event as an Entertainer, so we practice even more for that and sometimes we got some benefits for It, such like point sat, certificate, even food and money for each of us. its different from Gaji yang didapet PSM itu sendiri, And its good for me esp masa depan PSM. And because of it, im becoming sok sok interest sama choir gitu wkwk. Kaya 2 minggu yang lalu gue ke suatu event choir perpaduan antara choir dari Berlin, Germanny sama paragita UI, PSM unpad  and many more, PSM gue sendiri diundang but as a guest who sing in audience sit. Tapi pada akhirnya gajadi, karena satu dan lain hal.

Pertunjukkan yang sangat berharmonisasi bgt, gue bagaikan dibawa ke jerman padahal gue masih dijakarta-_- oksip. Dan amazing nya lagi pertunjukaan ini free with limited sits, and me and my friends got the ticket before its sold yay?! (Sebenernya kalo ga gratis juga males, mengungat konser choir biasanya bisa puluhan ampe ratusan ribu masuknya) paling kita cuma ngeluarin untuk sewa grabcar mengingat aula simfonia (which is where the concert was held) itu jauh dan kita gaada yang tau jalan, anggap aja 40rb harga tiket masuknya yang dikeluarkan dalam bentuk "transportasi".

-to be continuue bcs unfortunelty i started to yawn, im sleepy)

And another stuff, lately ive been busy wif my projects becoming koor and ketua event or project officer seminar, and it was cool enough yet nervous (i'm so sorry for always complaining) cool to know that i will "memimpin" suatu event but yet nervous cause ive never been like a leader before. Dan sampai sekarang masih dilanda dengan nervous ini, i hope everythings going well like i expect and my senior expect. Dan bisa membanggakan organisasi gue at the end. Gue juga jadi ketua buat kelompok mengajar pada matkul character building bcs i have to cause no one want to. -_- tp gue ikhlas dan insyaallah gue juga bisa menjaninya dengan baik, anyway since i found out that being a teacher its super tired bcs everyday (dan bagusnya gue cuma sekali seminggu) we have to handle many students and they're super active and childish (of course).

Such a productive life, right? Dan di sela-sela kegiatan, gue masih bisa bekerja sebagai admin, tp seriously this is the easiest job to do, cause im in the middle of busy life seperti yg gue bilang tadi, dan gue sadar i was a poor college student sooo this is the best that i could. Untuk fee yg almost (kalo ditotalin) 600rb rupiah per bulan. Udah lumayan cukup buat bisa menyenangkan diri he-he. Karena untuk menyenangkan orang tua segitu masih kurang yakan:( jadi uangnya kadang ditabung kadang difoya2kan he-he. Dan pekerjaan gue? Cukup gampang. I have just like two online shop to be handle with. Yang pertama dengan gaji 400rb/bln (blm dengan bonus kalo followers genap) dan satu lagi dengan gaji 160rb/bln (blm dengan bonus kalo followers genap). Di olshop yang pertama, gue menghandle ig dan fb untuk ngepost barang2 yang baru keluar. Dan online shop yang kedua gue cuma harus repost post sebanyak 100 post tiap hari (and its only repost). Dan semua pekerjaan itu bisa dilakukan dimanapun, kapanpun dan gaji pun mengalir. Dan kalo gue lg ga busy2 nya mungkin gue bs nyari olshop lain yg butuh admin, dan gaji gue pun bs bertambah lagi yayyy, super cool

But i still wonder to have a side job ( a REAl side job) gituu. I heard from people, a side job could give you fee yang sepadan. Kalo skrng gue dapet gaji segitu dengan gue bekerja side job sungguhan, bisa genap jutaan perbulan, but then for now i cant find a really good side job except being online shop admin. Tapi untuk jangka panjangnya gue udh memikirkan pasti akan melakukan side job. Apalagi pas semester 6 bakal ada wajib maganh. So yeah untuk sekarang gue harus bertahan dulu sebagai admin online shop, kalo olshop nya berkembang kan gue juga yang kena imbasnya, dari gakinya gt he-he.

Mungkin segitu dulu curcol gue, skrng gue harus siap2 buat rapat, omygod sometimes i wonder its good for me to have a manager besides me (sok penting bgt gue) honestly, gue capek harus mengatur jadwal gue tiap minggu. (Lagi2 complaining am sorry). Jadi yaaa i have to be ready for the meeting.

See ya!


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Ruang Kepastian


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