Whats the meaning of goal is for everyone? Life need some goals. And everyone has to. Lately, ive been in the middle of hectic period and i think its gonna be so hard for me to focus on many things, (and i hope this one tho soon to be over). Dan sepertinya gue udh mulai terbiasa dengan semua ini dan tanpa disadari gue sedang melakukan goals gue yg sebelumnya, not clean yet smooth to be but im grateful cause im gonna finish it. Yay. Jd dengan penuh ketelatenan dan kesabaran yg hampir aja bikin meledak lagi gue yakin semua goals pd bulan ini dapat tercapai not just in a month but in a years and future to be. But sadly in this year i have just one thing to be fix of mean while its a long holiday for us but yes, i have to finish my semester pendek yg pada akhirnya harus gue ambil dan gue jalanin :( gue gatau harus gimana tp gue bener2 harus sp in matkul ini walau dengan berbagai macam kesedihan yg gue alamin karena terpaksa akhirnya sp.... Well the goals must be disturbed which is my pla...