Ganyangka deeeh ini terjadi sama gue, gue masih ngerasa tahun lalu gue masih cewek polos yg gatau apa2 soal cinta yg only have one crush and he don't know how i feel. cuma cinta monyet yg bertepuk sebelah tangan... i'm grow up. i'm change too much. My life change too much. My friends now is different with my old friends. Semakin gue besar gue semakin sadar kalo semuanya perlahan-lahan berubah jadi rumit. How my relationship with everyone is completely different than my junior high school's life. Dan semakin lama gue semakin sering berjumpa sama hal-hal baru, dulu gue gapernah berfikiran buat plng sklh sendiri, skrng gue udh bisa plng sendiri. Dulu hal-hal kecil aja bisa bikin gue ribut sama temen gue biasalah masih anak2 berantemnya kaya gitu2 aja, skrng gue harus ngelawan hati gue sendiri setiap kali gue ngomongin soal my love life with my friends, how do i can open up with them if they are always have a negative thinking with him? people's change! ketika gue berus...